Glade Tidings Blog

A Letter From The President
Posted on September 17, 2024 by Kristy Rudolph
Categories: General
Hello neighbors! I’m honored to serve as your GCNA President. We have the best neighborhood and voluntary homeowner association in the area! I want to give special recognition to our past and current talented GCNA officers and committee chairs – they put in many long volunteer hours to make our neighborhood great and keep you posted on our key accomplishments and activities in our neighborhood.
While our social activities may get the most attention, our biggest expense is for the maintenance of our flowerbeds and to beautify entrances to our neighborhood.
In addition to the landscape contractor that we hire, we encourage neighbors to adopt an entrance near you – to pick up any trash, plant flowers, etc. Let us know if you would like to adopt one of our flowerbeds.
We also appreciate the neighbors who maintain their fence, particularly along the main roads. Fences are a homeowner responsibility. We appreciate the investment made by those homeowners to replace and repair their fences; that reflects well on our neighborhood. GCNA will gladly reimburse homeowners with fences facing the main roads for the paint supply as long as it is the approved brown color.
We appreciate our awesome block captains; they also help with nominating outstanding yards.
We always need and appreciate volunteers for our events. We also have 2 open Board positions; Landscaping and Civic. Join us to meet and work with some wonderful neighbors. Please indicate your desire to help on the enclosed payment form.
If you have any needs or suggestions, please reach out to us via the GCNA Home Page You can also contact me on my cell: 817-291-1930.
Best wishes,
Tony Bieniosek, 4316 Hazy Meadow Ln
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