Glade Tidings Blog

Glade Crossing Annual Meeting Notes
Posted on April 19, 2022 by Admin
Categories: General
Glade Crossing HOA Annual Meeting
February 22, 2022 – 7:00pm
Officer Dale Roath
·        Gave update on safety and local crime statistics
o   Minimal crime in the last 6 months in Glade Crossing
·        Discussed car breaks over Super Bowl weekend
·        Car racing on Westport
o   When reporting if you could give specific times and location and description if possible
·        Anytime is okay to call the police
o   Actions are suspicious, not people
o   Non-Emergency line: (817) 410 – 8127
§  Goes to the same place as 911 but non-emergency can put you on hold
Lindsey Harrison – Maintenance Update
·        Added more perennials but lost several of them due to the most recent freeze
·        Focus on perennials since we are a voluntary HOA
·        Added flags with lights
·        Discussed color vs zero scape
·        Encouraged neighbors to reach out and volunteer to help with gardening/landscaping
·        Keep Grapevine Beautiful” organization - contact for additional project volunteers
Grapevine councilwoman Sharon Rogers
·        Discussed that Grapevine is a full-service city with one of the lowest tax rates (2nd in the state)
·        Question regarding Delaney Vineyard and what is the plan with the property
o   Chicken and Pickle one half and Mr. Delaney still owns other but in discussions on next steps
§  Chicken and Pickle set to open November 2022
·        80% of our sales tax is coming from tourists in Grapevine
Scott Dyer and Elizabeth Reynolds – Grapevine Public Works department
·        Review planned crosswalk at Grapevine Elementary and Hall Johnson
·        Estimated start date by end of the school year
o   Delays due to supply shortages
·        City can look into the sidewalk mud issues off of Hughes/Windswept
·        Hughes road will get a facelift this summer – 2 lanes will remain but will widen about a foot
GCNA Board of Directors and Committee Chairperson introductions with reports
·        Julie provided communications update and encouraged people to reach out with questions
o   Asked for volunteers for social chair
o   Reviewed updates to Facebook group and social media
o   Validate block captain list, find new block captains for uncovered blocks
·        Melinda encouraged anyone that has local business they would like to contribute coupons or any other items to reach out to her so they can be included in the bags
o   Discussed utilizing block captains to help distribute bags
·        Lindsey discussed up lighting and holiday lights
2021 Spending Review and 2022 Budget
·        Jennifer reviewed budget
o   Slight over collection of 2021 dues, allowed adding in more social events that were not originally planned
o   Question regarding budget for fencing – homeowners’ responsibility
·        Question about nonresidents attending events
·        Yard and Christmas decoration recognition is back this year
·        Idea to create common signs to drive dues collections
·        Only 1/3 of homeowners are members currently
·        Todd gave introduction to job title and his roles and responsibilities
All other business / open discussion
·        None
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